Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ordinarily Extraordinary

Last Summer, God allowed me to cross paths with an amazing man (I will call John).  We spent hours upon hours laughing and loving life.  We spent a memorable Thanksgiving together with his family and then, December came, along with some really dark days.  I don't know exactly what the purpose of our time together might have been, or why our paths ever crossed.  However, I am thankful that he was sensitive to the Word and never hesitated to share it with me. 

Tonight, I came across an e-mail he sent me on October 19.  The night before I had shared with him how I felt like I was an outsider looking in on my I didn't know where God wanted me, but I so wanted to know.  The next morning, he shared his daily devotion with me...Elijah and the widow...

"A famine was ravaging the land, and it was severely affecting the life of that young widow. With no husband, no food, and a hungry child, it looked like she and her son would die soon.

She was planning their final meal when Elijah arrived. Tired from his journey, he asked her for water and food.

She explained that she was preparing a last meal for her son and herself. But Elijah asked if she could first make him a small loaf of bread, and he shared with her a promise from the Lord: “The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD sends rain on the land.

She did as Elijah asked, honoring the Lord with her act of hospitality. And God miraculously provided her with flour and oil that never ran out until the end of the famine. She gave—and God gave even more.

This “ordinary” person was someone whom God would use for his extraordinary purposes."

John commented on the devotion and encouraged me with these words:  "I know that we are always striving to make our lives and the lives of our families better, wishing and hoping that we'll get a break.  We just don't know when to expect it. All we can really do is live each day and make the best of it being thankful for what we have been given. I guess I was relating the stories together because the widow was on the down and out thinking that she was at the end of her rope when her break happened and they were given their hope back."

How true his words were...and are.  About a month after I got this message, God began to reveal to me in a big way His plan for the next chapter of my life with my new job.  While I lost John along the way, his words of encouragement will resonate in my mind and in my heart. 

Just as recently as this afternoon, I was reminded of God's provision.  He has confirmed my decision to change jobs over and over again, and I am completely humbled by His love for me.  His faithfulness is overwhelming.  God STILL uses ordinary people for HIS extraordinary purposes.

While my heart is saddened that John is no longer in my life, I am thankful that he allowed God to speak to me through him.